
With the ability to connect and monitor up to eight sensors, using MODBUS TCP via Ethernet, SPMI greatly reduces the cost of deployment, eliminating the need for conduit, and PLC wiring / programming costs.
The MODBUS registers can be read by a BMS/FMS, and scaled to reflect the measurement taken with the 4‐20mA value returned. 4‐20mA Sensors can also be added.
SPMI can preprogram for commonly used systems, reducing installation, setup and deployment costs. We can also prebuild harnessing to connect to user defined sensors, cutting down on site custom wiring needs.
Designed to mate with 4-20mA passive transducers such as:

Multitel FCCP – Float Current Sensor
DC Voltage Sensor
Ripple Current Sensor
Temperature Probes, Hydrogen Sensors, and many others…
Up to 8 x 4‐20mA sensors.
• Active 4‐20mA Loop Currents for sensors requiring 12‐24VDC Loop Power.
• Channels are galvanically isolated from each other.
• Rear Panel I/O for:
o Wiring Harness Connections
o Ethernet Connectivity
o +24VDC Power input and fused pass‐through to Multitel FCCP. This reduces AC Power jack requirements.